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      1. GYJ-160-DT 160T HF Bentwood Press Machine

        Release Time:2021-08-30

          The oil hydraulic system of compressor has one-way and three-way forms, which could meet the conditions of different workpieces.

          HF wood bending press machine adopts the forms of one high frequency generator with one compressor or more than two compressors.

          The oil hydraulic system of compressor has one-way and three-way forms, which could meet the conditions of different workpieces.

          Compared with conventional steam heating, High frequency heating only needs 1-3 minutes to complete the work,which is better at finalizing shape,has higher bonding strength and higher rate , especially suitable for thick workpieces.


          Duotian High frequency wood bending press machine is suitable for:

          1. Panel furniture,cabinet doors,the surface of profiled drawer;

          2. Seating board and back of stacking chair,

          3. Seating board and back of recreational furniture, office furniture;

          4. Cabinets,hotel furniture, curved doors, coaming;

          5. The head of a bed and seating board of kids’ furniture ;

          6. Profiled door’s frame.

          The electrical components are all imported or domestic top accessories, such as Omron, Siemens, Eaton, etc. The hydraulic components are Taiwan's original.



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