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      1. HF Block Board Jointing Machine

        Release Time:2021-08-30

          High frequency block board press machine is the latest patent product of our company. It applies to block board, solid wood board and other wood board jointing.

          High frequency block board press machine is the latest patent product of our company. It applies to block board, solid wood board and other wood board jointing.


          1. PLC touch screen and other automatic equipment.

          2. 380V industrial electricity to heat, environment-friendly and pollution-free.

          3. Advanced auto feeding and discharging cart.

          4. Automatic panel saw can cut the board as customer’s required, improving efficiency.

          5. Four-dimensional compression, achieving seamless splicing.

          6. The boards are of good quality, having strong gluing, saving time, effort and electricity.

          7. It only uses kilowatt hour for each board.



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